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Global Impact

Leading People Worldwide Into a Growing Relationship With Jesus Christ

Global News & Updates

Give thanks to God for how the gospel is changing lives today

See The Works of His Hands

Watch how God is using In Touch Ministries to reach people near and far.

Life Principles Training

Local training for church leaders around the world

In Touch Ministries’ mission is to lead people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to strengthen the local church. One of the ways we ensure we achieve the second half of that mission is through our Life Principles Training.

These trainings provide discipleship and leadership training for local pastors and leaders, primarily in developing nations, who would not otherwise have access to formal training. With the help of Dr. Stanley’s teachings and other biblical material, they learn to walk with Jesus and listen to God—the strategy that allowed Christ’s original disciples to reach the world.

During each training, we also ask the Lord to raise up local teachers who are willing to join with In Touch and train their fellow pastors. No one is ever called to “go it alone” in their walk of faith, as Dr. Stanley says. They encourage one another and work together to stay true to God’s Word—oftentimes in areas where heresy and false teachings have a strong grip on their people.

We praise God for allowing us to mentor the called and for the exponential growth He has already shown us!

Training Locations

Check out where we’ve been—and pray for where we have yet to go!

Botswana: Francistown, Gaborone
Cameroon: Buea, Douala, Yaoundé
Egypt: Cairo
Ghana: Tefle
Kenya: Chumani, East Pokot (Orus), Eldoret, Githurai, Githurai Kimbo, Kakamega, Karatina, Kilifi, Kisumu, Kitale, Kitui, Nakuru, Machakos, Magongo, Mbale, Meru, Mombasa, Mt. Elgon, Mtwapa Municipality, Mrima Wa Ndege, Mwatate, Nairobi, Nakuru, Pokot, Sultan Hamud, Sumanga, Tiwi Village, Vihiga County, West Pokot
Malawi: Blantyre, Kasungu District, Lilongwe, Mzimba
Mozambique: Tete
Nigeria: Lagos
Rwanda: Kigali
Sierra Leone: Freetown, Lunsar
South Sudan: Lopit Mountains
Tanzania: Bulega Village, Iponya, Mbogwe, Muhama, Nampalahala Village, Nyakayenze
Uganda: Bbaale, Bweyale, Gulu, Kampala, Kamuli, Kiboga, Kitovu, Kyotera, Lugazi, Luweero, Jinja, Lyantonde, Mayuge, Mbale, Mpigi, Mubende, Njeru, Rukungiri, Semuto, Tororo
Zambia: Chibombo, Copperbelt, Kabwe, Kapiri Mposhi, Lusaka, Livingston, Lusaka, Mbala, Southern, Sinda
Zimbabwe: Bulawayo, Harare

Fulfilling the Great Commission

Faithfully sharing the good news via radio and television


Radio Stations


Television Stations





Messenger Lab

Technology with Good News

Tongues & Tribes

A Global Languages Project

We now have YouTube channels in Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, plus 28 other languages. Please pray for, share, and/or subscribe to any of these channels today.

View the List

Stories From The Field

Making a Global Impact

To an unreached nation, the gospel changes everything. From refugees and prisoners to business professionals who’ve never heard of Jesus, the life-saving message of salvation offers hope for the future.