This Week’s Sermon The Obstacle Get a deeper understanding of the pattern of pride in our lives and its role as the enemy of humility.
Also on TV this Week Sanctification: The Process When you trust Jesus as your Savior, God prepares you for service and transforms you into the image of Christ.
Today on Radio The Truth About Sin - Part 2 Learn how sin causes death and destruction that only Christ can overcome. March 11, 2025
Charles Stanley Radio 24/7 Radio Tune in any time to stream great Biblical teaching and encouragement.
Daily Devotion Praising the Lamb of God We can worship God anywhere and anytime in many different ways. March 11, 2025
Featured Topic 30 Life Principles Learn about each of Dr. Stanley’s 30 Life Principles in this set of sermons. 30 Resources
Our Founder Dr. Charles Stanley Charles F. Stanley was the founder of In Touch Ministries, and a New York Times best-selling author.
Our Ministry Learn More About In Touch We’re a teaching ministry dedicated to leading people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthening the local church.
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This Week’s Sermon The Obstacle Get a deeper understanding of the pattern of pride in our lives and its role as the enemy of humility.
Today’s Devotion Praising the Lamb of God We can worship God anywhere and anytime in many different ways.
This Week’s Sermon Read now The Obstacle Get a deeper understanding of the pattern of pride in our lives and its role as the enemy of humility.
Today on Radio Read now The Truth About Sin - Part 2 Learn how sin causes death and destruction that only Christ can overcome.
24/7 Radio Read now Charles Stanley Radio Tune in any time to stream great Biblical teaching and encouragement.
Also on TV this Week Read now Sanctification: The Process When you trust Jesus as your Savior, God prepares you for service and transforms you into the image of Christ.
Today on Radio The Truth About Sin - Part 2 Learn how sin causes death and destruction that only Christ can overcome.
24/7 Radio Charles Stanley Radio Tune in any time to stream great Biblical teaching and encouragement.
Also on TV this Week Sanctification: The Process When you trust Jesus as your Savior, God prepares you for service and transforms you into the image of Christ.
Feature Article Walking in Love Salvation frees us to care for others in the same way Christ cares for us.
Feature Article The Great Discovery Is God’s will an incomprehensible mystery, or is it something we can know?
Feature Article How to Confess Sin Without Beating Yourself Up An In Touch guide to better spiritual health
TV Sermon The Pattern Imitate Jesus' pattern of humility by submitting to God's will and walking in obedience to His plan for your life.
TV Sermon Sanctification: God's Grand Plan God is setting you apart for His service and transforming you into the likeness of Christ.
Faith Story Exploring More – Humility The idea of humility has changed over time. Tracking this shift can help us to appreciate and better apply this foundational attribute to our Christian lives.
The Pattern Imitate Jesus' pattern of humility by submitting to God's will and walking in obedience to His plan for your life.
Sanctification: God's Grand Plan God is setting you apart for His service and transforming you into the likeness of Christ.
Exploring More – Humility The idea of humility has changed over time. Tracking this shift can help us to appreciate and better apply this foundational attribute to our Christian lives.
Radio Sermon The Truth About Sin - Part 1 Dr. Stanley begins with the origin of sin and walks us through sin’s effects on humanity ever since the Fall in the Garden of Eden.
Radio Sermon The Disciple Learns to Pray - Part 2 Receive a detailed explanation of the Lord's Prayer and its importance.
Radio Sermon Lifting the Weight of Our Burdens Find out the different kinds of burdens and how we can be relieved of them.
The Truth About Sin - Part 1 Dr. Stanley begins with the origin of sin and walks us through sin’s effects on humanity ever since the Fall in the Garden of Eden.
The Disciple Learns to Pray - Part 2 Receive a detailed explanation of the Lord's Prayer and its importance.
Lifting the Weight of Our Burdens Find out the different kinds of burdens and how we can be relieved of them.